“At the piping of all hands,When the judgment-signal's spread-When the islands and the landsAnd the seas give up their dead,And the South and North shall come;When the sinner is dismayed,And the just man is afraid,Then Heaven be thy aid,Poor Tom.”
Source : John Gardiner Calkins Brainard (1846). “The Poems of John G.C. Brainard: A New and Authentic Collection, with an Original Memoir of His Life”, p.70
“The historian must be a poet; not to find, but to find again; not to breathe life into beings, into imaginary deeds, but in order to re-animate and revive that which has been; to represent what time and space have placed at a distance from us.”
“Famous crime stories almost always lead to the passing of new laws.”
Source : "Writer Bill James". "The Tavis Smiley Show", www.pbs.org. May 20, 2011.
“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.”
Source : Twitter post from Dec 31, 2009
“When you put four Alaskans into a room, you have five marriages, six divorces, and seven political parties.”
“Every child needs a champion.”
“A new species is arising on the planet, it is arising now and you are it.”
“We’re seeing that business models and philanthropic models are not mutually exclusive.”