#Equality Quotes #Men Quotes #Law Quotes
“When we turn away from the reality of what we do to animals for our gustatory pleasure, we play a game of pretend, like the child who covers her eyes and thinks you can't see her. And yet, there she remains. Closing our eyes doesn't make violence disappear; it only closes our minds and hearts and enables the violence to continue.”
“The sea drowns out humanity and time. It has no sympathy with either, for it belongs to eternity; and of that it sings its monotonous song forever and ever.”
“I'd rather live forever in Heaven than a place where there's terrorism and hate.”
Source : Source: www.ign.com
“A piano might fall on your head, he said, but it also might not. And in the meantime you never know. Something nice might happen.”
“I try not to be too profane around children or old people. Other than that, that's how I speak.”
“Our destiny is greatness and we must return to its fulfillment.”
“I think when you look at our team, you have to say that the weak point is probably still the driver.”
“Awards are wonderful. I've been nominated many times and I've won many awards. But my journey is not towards that. If it happens it will be a blast. If it doesn't, it's still been a blast.”
Arthur Henderson British Politician
Arthur Ponsonby, 1st Baron Ponsonby of Shulbrede
George William Russell Writer