#Life Quotes #Ends Quotes #Novel Quotes
“When I look at the world it fills me with sorrow, little children today are really going to suffer tomorrow.”
“People are starting to go on about my weight but I'm not going to change my size because they don't like the way I look.”
“Art doesn't reflect what we see; it makes us see.”
“I'm frustrated with Hollywood and television and the movies because they see science fiction as an excuse for eye candy, for lots of great special effects.”
“There's always challenges to everything.”
Source : Source: collider.com
“My creativity and my political work are linked. I don't do this work out of guilt or out of responsibility.”
“The CIA could not face up to the American people and admit that its former employees had conspired to assassinate the President; so from the moment Kennedy's heart stopped beating, the Agency attempted to sweep the whole conspiracy under the rug.”
“I believe mustard to be one of the most amazing condiments.”