Source : "The Democrat Party is a Gulag". "The Rush Limbaugh Show", March 8, 2010.
#Thinking Quotes #Gentleman Quotes #Today Quotes
Source : Source:
“There are three things I always forget. Names, faces and... the third I can't remember.”
Source : Italo Svevo (1969). “Essays on Italo Svevo”
Source : Source:
Source : Source:
“Young children were sooner allured by love, than driven by beating, to attain good learning.”
Source : 'The Schoolmaster' (1570) preface
Charles Rangel
U.S. Representative
David Paterson
Former Governor of New York
Glenn Beck
Radio host
Jim Bunning
Former U.S. Senator
Louise Slaughter
United States Representative
Mark Foley
U.S. Congressperson
Rahm Emanuel
Mayor of Chicago
Steny Hoyer
U.S. Representative
Tom Reed
U.S. Representative