“Whether conservative or liberal, fundamentalist or agnostic, the more students learn of biology, the more they accept evolution.”
Source : "America’s Darwin Problem" by Kenneth R. Miller, www.huffingtonpost.com. February 10, 2012.
“The desire of Lain Americans to live in just and egalitarian societies is too strong; it cannot be destroyed overnight. There were some serious setbacks - in Argentina and Brazil. And Venezuela is suffering immensely, battered by its own shameless elites sponsored from abroad. But the country is still standing.”
“When you read enough stories about people who have been through different levels of trauma, and it doesn't matter what the history is, trauma is trauma, there's always this freeing of the spirit.”
“At the end of the day, no matter how well you score, you've got to be able to stop people”
“Whoever knows that the mind is a fiction and devoid of anything real knows that his own mind neither exists nor doesn't exist.”
Source : Bodhidharma (2009). “The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma”, p.53, Macmillan
“Act boldly and unforeseen forces will come to your aid.”
“And it's significant that he has been using the, you know, language of betrayal in his rhetoric about Turkey. He called the shoot down a treacherous stab in the back by an accomplice of the terrorists. And that suggests that there could still be some harsh revenge in store for Turkey.”
Source : "2 Willful Leaders Heighten Tensions Between Russia, Turkey". "Morning Edition" with Renee Montagne, www.npr.org. December 28, 2015.
“The great truth is that women actually like men, and men can never believe it.”
Source : "The Great Lie" by Wendy McElroy, www.foxnews.com. April 21, 2003.