“There are now about as many different varieties of letters as there are different kinds of fools.”
Source : Eric Gill (2016). “An Essay on Typography”, p.43, Laurus
Source : "Arizona's 'one-pizza' Democrats taste success as GOP shares slice of the pie" by Rory Carroll, www.theguardian.com. November 8, 2012.
Source : Source: brightestyoungthings.com
“Complacency will be the architecture of your downfall.”
Source : Jeremy Gutsche (2009). “Exploiting Chaos: 150 Ways to Spark Innovation During Times of Change”, Gotham
“Please select a card. No I don't have to see the card...I've already seen this trick...”
“The fund of sensible discourse is limited; that of jest and badinerie is infinite.”
Source : Christian Rudder (2014). “Dataclysm: Love, Sex, Race, and Identity--What Our Online Lives Tell Us about Our Offline Selves”, p.49, Crown
Cynthia Asquith
Ford Madox Ford
Harold Pinter
Julie Christie
Lord David Cecil
Milos Forman
Film director
Robert Aickman
Joseph Losey
Film director
Madeleine L'Engle