#Military Quotes #Fighting Quotes #Long Quotes
“What actually happened was that Rolling Stone paid me fifteen hundred dollars for the use of all the drawings - about twenty four of them - and then offered to buy the originals from me, which my agent urged 'was a good move!'. He sold the whole damn treasure trove to Jann Wenner for the princely sum of sixty dollars per drawing. I rue the day I let him convince me.”
Source : "The Joke's Over". Book by Ralph Steadman, 2006.
“We must never neglect the patient's own use of his symptoms.”
“Man is the inventor of stupidity.”
“No part of Manhattan these days really has the same vibe I get from a Ramones song or a Velvet Underground song.”
“Only one thing can make a soul complete and that thing is love.”
“Nothing like this has been attempted before. (...) It might be called a literary Porto Alegre. That implies a beginning, with much fierce argument and discussion to come. But whatever the outcome of ensuing criticisms or objections, The World Republic of Letters -- empire more than republic, as Casanova shows -- is likely to have the same sort of liberating impact at large as Said's Orientalism, with which it stands comparison.”
“A human body is a conversation going on, both within the cells and between the cells, and they're telling each other to grow and to die; when you're sick, something's gone wrong with that conversation.”
“But when you hear the complete album, it gets dark, really straight-up rock, with some really intimate moments with just me and the piano. It's not completely me because there are parts of me that aren't on that song, that are on the album”
Thomas Berry Author
Ursula Goodenough Professor