#Cancer Quotes #Years Quotes #Causes Quotes
“What if we were to take seriously the possibility that our students have a rich and authoritative inner life and tried to nourish it rather than negate it?”
“I've conducted an experiment on my kids. Instead of denying them access to media, I've encouraged it. They read comic books, play Nintendo and watch way too much TV.”
“Four years earlier I had been selected, with Kay Boyle, the writer, and a number of others, to go to Cambodia and come back and prove that there were no sanctuaries in that country.”
“A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given.”
“We are riveted by the soap operas of public lives. We admire the famous most for what makes them infamous: it reassures us that they are not better and no happier than all the people with their noses pressed hard against the glass.”
“The main problem is that most commentators are accustomed to thinking of spiritual schools as 'systems', which are more or less alike, and which depend upon dogma and ritual: and especially upon repetition and the application of continual and standardised pressures upon their followers.The Sufi way, except in degenerate forms which are not to be classified as Sufic, is entirely different from this.”
“The fear of saying something stupid (which stupid people never have) has censored far more good ideas than bad ones.”
“I work until beer o'clock.”
Ernst T. Krebs
Hans Alfred Nieper Physician
Jacques Monod Biologist
Ralph W. Moss Author