Source : "The Diddly Awards: Honoring Our Do-Nothing Congress" by Jack Hitt, May/June 2000.
#Queens Quotes #Demand Quotes #Treated Quotes
“I don't deal well with admiration if it's for something I haven't done. Other than exist.”
“The industrial corporation is the natural enemy of nature.”
Source : "Montanelli e il Cavaliere: storia di un grande e di un piccolo uomo" by Marco Travaglio, 2009.
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Source : Source:
Al Green
Barbara Lee
U.S. Representative
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
U.S. Representative
Eddie Bernice Johnson
United States Representative
Hank Johnson
U.S. Representative
John Conyers
U.S. Representative
Louie Gohmert
U.S. Representative
Maxine Waters
U.S. Representative
Zoe Lofgren
U.S. Representative