#Ambition Quotes #Simple Quotes #Government Quotes
“If language had been the creation not of poetry but of logic, we should only have one.”
“Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death.”
Source : Franco Modigliani (2001). “Adventures of an Economist”, W. W. Norton
“Architects must have a razor-sharp sense of individuality.”
Alexander Hamilton
Founding Father of the United States
Andrew Jackson
7th U.S. President
Benjamin Franklin
Founding Father of the United States
Dolley Madison
Former First Lady of the United States
George Washington
1st U.S. President
James Monroe
5th U.S. President
John Adams
2nd U.S. President
John Quincy Adams
6th U.S. President
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President