“With a stroke of love on the canvas of my soul I'm painting a perfect world with shades of Michelangelo With each promise made in every heart that knows we can live in a perfect world in shades of Michelangelo I hear songs of children echo in the sky I hear songs of children a tomorrow so bright!”
“We [Notekillers] are in no way super-earnest about what we do and if you see us live, you see we are cracking up during songs and saying pretty ridiculous things in-between. We're having fun.”
Source : Source: pitchfork.com
“Oh, what would you like on your vegetarian pizza?" "Dead pigs and cows," I said. She glanced up at me and wrinkled her nose. "They're vegetarians," I said defensively.”
Source : Jim Butcher (2010). “The Dresden Files Collection 1-6”, p.2012, Penguin
“I wanted to get the most broad foundation for a lifelong education that I could find, and that was studying Latin and the classics. Meaning Roman and Greek history and philosophy and ancient civilizations.”
Source : "O Brother Who Art Thou? A Q&A With Actor/Writer/Director Tim Blake Nelson". Interview with Jonathan Valania, www.huffingtonpost.com. April 03, 2013.
“When we choose to follow Christ in faith rather than choosing another path out of fear, we are blessed with a consequence that is consistent with our choice.”
“On closer inspection, the hero status accorded to Abraham, Moses and David in the Old Testament (and echoed in the New Testament) is rooted not in their moral perfection but in their uncompromising dedication to the cause of Yahweh and their rugged trust in the promises of God rather than lapsing into the idolatry of many of their contemporaries.”
Source : Paul Copan (2011). “Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense of the Old Testament God”, p.67, Baker Books
“In so far as I have any beliefs, I suppose I'm like that old Peggy Lee song, 'Is That All There Is?' I want to believe there's something else going on, but what that something else is I don't pretend to know.”
“An enigma? That's not a bad persona to have. I should probably shut up and let the mystery continue! It's good for my career.”