Source : "How Peter Orszag's Budget Team Makes America Work" by John H. Richardson, February 1, 2010.
#Cat Quotes #White Quotes #House Quotes
“We must breathe time as fishes breathe water.”
Source : Denise Levertov, Paul A. Lacey (2002). “Selected Poems”, p.161, New Directions Publishing
Source : Interview With Jim White, August 5, 2001.
“Once you start describing nothingness, you end up with somethingness.”
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
Christina Romer
Jacob Lew
United States Secretary of the Treasury
Jim Nussle
Former Director, United States Office of Management and Budget
Lawrence Summers
Former Undersecretary for International Affairs
Rahm Emanuel
Mayor of Chicago
Robert Rubin
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury
Timothy Geithner
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury
William J. Clinton
42nd U.S. President