#Country Quotes #Past Quotes #Years Quotes
“There is a place where there is freedom of fear and doubt, and that is within.”
“When democratic governments create economic calamity, free markets get the blame.”
Source : "Why the Sound Is Still Sweet: Q&A with Joan Baez". Interview with Marlene Kelly, www.oprah.com. November 4, 2009.
“No matter how much progress one makes, there is always the thrill of just beginning.”
“I put myself on the line with my truth and my sexuality. That is my choice. My choice”
Bill Nye
Bob Corker
United States Senator
Diane Black
U.S. Representative
Fred Upton
U.S. Representative
Jim Cooper
U.S. Representative
Joe Barton
U.S. Representative
Lamar Alexander
United States Senator
Michele Bachmann
United States Representative
Trent Franks
U.S. Representative