Stella Vine
"I'm looking forward to being old, to be able to accept what I am and become self-sufficient. Mid-forties is a good age and it's not too far away."
Source : "The 5-Minute Interview: Stella Vine: 'There have been a few times" by Karl Mansfield, The Independent, November 28, 2005.
Stella Vine
#Self Quotes
#Age Quotes
#Able Quotes
“It is very often nothing but our own vanity that deceives us.”
“Once I stopped trying to always do everything my way, and once I asked for God's help, things have truly gone a different direction.”
“You know, the Democrats want to balance the budget by raising spending and raising taxes. The Soviet Union had a balanced budget.”
Source : "Meet the Press", December 12, 2003.
“If becoming a high performing organization is the destination, leadership is the engine.”
“To have a job you can count on as an actor is so rare, whether that means belonging to a regional theater company or being on TV.”
“I never used to be as good, you get better. I've just gotten better and quicker at figuring out the joke.”
Source : Source: www.realstylenetwork.com
“If you're black in America, race is a factor in your life. Start with that assumption.”
“John Jones may be described as 'one of the has beens'.”
Source : 'The Every-Day Book' (1826-27) vol. 2, pt. 1, col. 820