“You live and learn. Then you die and forget it all.”
Source : "George Foreman: What I've Learned" by Tom Junod, www.esquire.com. December 31, 2006.
“I often refer to myself as a gay man and all my friends are gay and I would like nothing more than for them to be able to be married.”
“It is an axiom, enforced by all the experience of the ages, that they who rule industrially will rule politically.”
“To love, you have to admit your lack, and recognise that you need the other, that you miss him or her.”
“And know that every struggle in life is there to teach you a lesson It's times like this that make you”
Source : Song: Inhale Deep, 2005
“I was so enamored with the idea of being in show business so everything was bright to me. I mean, I didn't think of it as being tough and things like that.”
“Except for our higher order of minds we are like the little moles under the earth carrying out blindly the work of digging, thinking our own dark passage-ways constitute all there is to the world.”
Source : Bess Streeter Aldrich (1935). “Spring Came on Forever”, p.251, U of Nebraska Press
“He isn’t so much flirting,†Cerise murmured. “Either he doesn’t like me or he doesn’t know how.†“Of course he likes you. You’re lovely. He probably just doesn’t get it. Some men have to be hit over the head with it. Her aunt rolled her eyes. “I thought I’d have to draw your uncle Jean a giant sign. That or kidnap him and have my evil way with him, until he got the message.”