#Music Quotes #Beautiful Quotes #Play Quotes
Source : Interview with Branden Peters, www.askmen.com. December 5, 2013.
“Everyone in the world is Christ and they are all crucified.”
“Wrestling school was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done. It just killed me.”
“We'd need a miracle," he says. "A real one. Do you think those happen anymore?”
Source : Source: collider.com
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th U.S. President
George H. W. Bush
41st U.S. President
Gerald R. Ford
38th U.S. President
Jimmy Carter
39th U.S. President
John F. Kennedy
35th U.S. President
Lyndon B. Johnson
36th U.S. President
Ronald Reagan
40th U.S. President
Spiro T. Agnew
Former Vice President of the United States
William J. Clinton
42nd U.S. President