“All that grave weight of America Cancelled! Like Greece and Rome. The future in ruins!”
Source : Louis Simpson (2003). “The Owner of the House: New Collected Poems, 1940-2001”, p.196, BOA Editions, Ltd.
“I think everybody did their share of experimenting in the 1960s with drugs. My story is real simple. I was taking amphetamines in the late 60s and I was addicted to them. I don't necessarily know the why. I'm sure at the time I could've told you six different reasons why I was doing it. But, in the end, all of that stuff, all chemicals will hurt you.”
“I have so many friends who have no idea what they want to do. They are out of college and working, but not sure they are doing what they want to do, which is normal.”
Source : "Biography/Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“There is no mystery in a looking glass until someone looks into it. Then, though it remains the same glass, it presents a different face to each man who holds it in front of him. The same is true of a work of art. It has no proper existence as art until someone is reflected in it--and no two will ever be reflected in the same way. However much we all see in common in such a work, at the center we behold a fragment of our own soul, and the greater the art the greater the fragment.”
Source : Harold Clarke Goddard (1956). “The Meaning of Shakespeare”
“For the Phantom, there is only one girl. For Sam, there is only one horse.”
Source : Terri Farley (2003). “Phantom Stallion #9: Gift Horse”, HarperCollins
“I'm not a big movie-goer. I just feel like I'm watching work.”
Source : "Biography/Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
“My part in AC/DC is just adding the color on top.”
“I am double jointed in my elbow. So I can turn it all the way around and then bend it so it looks like it's broken.”