#Doe Quotes #Enlightening Quotes
“Proving that the best villains have the charisma of a hero, (Jason) Statham makes a strong impression, supplying the kind of menace that permeates the movie even when he's not on screen. His fight with (Dwayne) Johnson doesn't have the bang you'd expect from a The Transporter versus The Rock match-up, but the climactic Statham-(Vin)Diesel battle more than delivers.”
“Party honesty is party expediency.”
“I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.”
“There is no place in the Humanist worldview for either immortality or God in the valid meanings of those terms. Humanism contends that instead of the gods creating the cosmos, the cosmos, in the individualized form of human beings giving rein to their imagination, created the gods.”
“It is exciting to discover electrons and figure out the equations that govern their movement; it is boring to use those principles to design electric can openers. From here on out, it's all can openers.”
“What's the meaning of "giornalista professionista"? I have always thought a professional to be a good prostitute!”
“it was a bitter and biting iron-gray afternoon, that clanked like armor and was as cold as a frosty axehead.”
Source : Ardyth Kennelly (1949). “The Peaceable Kingdom”
“People have never looked so ugly as they do today. We just consume far too much.”
Marie Angelique Arnauld
Antoine Arnauld Philosopher