#Moving Quotes #Turkeys Quotes #Steps Quotes
“There are always the simple events of your life that you might try to convert into legend.”
Source : Stephen Dunn (1995). “New and Selected Poems 1974-1994”, p.21, W. W. Norton & Company
“Government needs to stay out of the religion business altogether.”
Source : "Skeptical Supreme Court weighs Pledge case" by Bill Mears, www.cnn.com. June 14, 2004.
“It's like a runner or a swimmer training all the time. I sing every day.”
“Some people play very, very well just so they won't get embarrassed.”
“. . . he felt himself entering a moment so real he could only run toward it, shouting.”
Alan Greenspan
Henry Paulson
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury
Janet Yellen
Lawrence Summers
Former Undersecretary for International Affairs
Lloyd Blankfein
Paul Krugman
Paul Volcker
Robert H. Frank
Timothy Geithner
Former United States Secretary of the Treasury