#Leadership Quotes #Effort Quotes #Democracy Quotes
Source : Joel Shepherd (2011). “Petrodor”, p.117, ReadHowYouWant.com
Source : Robert D. Putnam (2001). “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community”, p.24, Simon and Schuster
“I swear to keep the dead upon my mind, / Disdain for all time to be overglad.”
“There is no rose without thorns.”
Source : Pam Muñoz Ryan (2012). “Esperanza Rising”, p.14, Scholastic Inc.
Ben Chifley
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Bob Hawke
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Edmund Barton
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Gough Whitlam
Former Prime Minister of Australia
John Howard
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Malcolm Fraser
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Malcolm Turnbull
Member of the Australian Parliament
Paul Keating
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Tony Abbott
Prime Minister of Australia