Source : "'Infanterie Greift An' ('Infantry Attacks')". Book by Erwin Rommel, p. 62, 1937.
Erwin Rommel#Fighting Quotes #Men Quotes #Magazines Quotes
“Film is simply the most complex way you can express yourself”
Source : "Song: Nothing (Album: Shooting Rubberbands At The Stars)". 1988.
“I could not, as my father's daughter, remain indifferent to all that was going on.”
“Even when people act nastily to you, don't condemn them or retaliate.”
Adolf Hitler
Former Chancellor of Germany
Dwight D. Eisenhower
34th U.S. President
Erich von Manstein
Military Commander
George S. Patton
Military Commander
Heinz Guderian
Manfred Rommel
German Politician