“I don't think it's possible to c-call yourself a C-Christian and... and j-just leave out the awkward bits.' -Wilfred Owen”
“Contrary to popular opinion, the Constitution was not - and is not - a grant of rights to the citizenry. Instead, the Constitution is a "barbed-wire entanglement" designed to interfere with, restrict, and impede government officials in the exercise of political power.”
“You have to make your own chances.”
Source : Duncan Bannatyne (2008). “Anyone Can Do It: My Story”, p.15, Hachette UK
“Using Viagra is like putting a new flagpole on a condemned building.”
“The barrier to success is not something which exists in the real world; it is composed purely and simply of doubts about ability.”
“Why should an atheist pay more taxes so that a church which he despises should pay no taxes? That's a fair question. How can the apologists for the church exemption answer it?”
“I don't call myself a poet, because I don't like the word.”
“Psychoanalysis is often about turning our ghosts into ancestors, even for patients who have not lost loved ones to death. We are often haunted by important relationships from the past that influence us unconsciously in the present. As we work them through, they go from haunting us to becoming simply part of our history. (243)”
Source : Norman Doidge (2007). “The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science”, p.243, Penguin