James Howell
"We learn by teaching." --
Source : James Howell (1660). “Lexicon Tetraglotton, an English-French-Italian-Spanish Dictionary: Whereunto is Adjoined a Large Nomenclature of the Proper Terms (in All the Four) Belonging to Several Arts and Sciences, to Recreations, to Professions Both Liberal and Mechanick, &c. Divided Into Fiftie Two Sections; with Another Volume of the Choicest Proverbs in All the Said Toungs, (consisting of Divers Compleat Tomes)”
James Howell
#Teacher Quotes
#Teaching Quotes
“[Pleasure is what suggested] which behaviors, emotions, social patterns and patterns of taste served us well during our evolutionary history. They were experienced as pleasures and encoded into our formative genetic codes . . . deep in the past, from about 100,000 years ago and beyond.”
Source : Lionel Tiger (2017). “The Pursuit of Pleasure”, p.33, Routledge
“O, the red rose may be fair, And the lily statelier; But my shamrock, one in three Takes the very heart of me!”
Source : Katharine Tynan (1887). “Shamrocks”
“My strength is breaking people down. I may not outrun or outsize you, but I will make you miss.”
“The first thing I noticed about him was that he was born the same year I was drafted. ... That's a pretty scary thought.”
“If we want spiritual development, the practice of patience is essential.”
“The director works as an interpretive artist, but he's still an artist, so you also have to give him room to create and to put his vision of the play or his translation or interpretation of the material on the stage.”
“Your body hears everything your mind says.”
“Dreamlike sequencing is perhaps one of João Gilberto Noll's most remarkable triumphs in Quiet Creature on the Corner. I translated the novel and still it remains a mystery as to how exactly how this works. Noll thinks more like an experimental filmmaker than a novelist.”
Source : Source: therumpus.net