Source : "How Goldman Envy Destroyed MF Global" by Monika Mitchell, December 14, 2011.
#Wall Quotes #Streets Quotes #Stills Quotes
“To me, part of being an emcee is dedicated to speaking out about what's going on around us.”
Source : John Stuart Mill, Harriet Taylor Mill (2015). “Essays on Sex Equality”, p.100, University of Chicago Press
“Death, death. Now I won't be able to write my beautiful memoirs.”
Source : "Nuremberg Diary". Book by G. M. Gilbert, 1995.
Source : Source:
Al Franken
United States Senator
Amy Klobuchar
United States Senator
Dan Lipinski
U.S. Representative
Erik Paulsen
United States Representative
Henry Cuellar
U.S. Representative
Keith Ellison
U.S. Representative
Mike Conaway
U.S. Representative
Nick Rahall
U.S. Representative
Tim Walz
U.S. Representative