Source : "What the devil's he on about? David Icke says Opening Ceremony was a secret Satanic ritual" by Simon Head, August 1, 2012.
David Icke#Blood Quotes #Humanity Quotes #Brotherhood Quotes
“From one generation to the next, The Beatles will remain the most important rock band of all time.”
Source : James Hutton (1788*). “Theory of the earth; or an investigation of the laws observable in the composition, dissolution and restoration of land upon the globe. (From. the Trans., Roy. soc. of Edinb.).”, p.86
“Ah, children, be afraid of going prayerless to bed, lest the Devil be your bedfellow.”
“Say me aye," he whispered against her mouth. "Say me aye." How could she say anything else?”
Source : Lynn Kurland (2003). “A Garden In The Rain”, p.360, Penguin
Alex Jones
Radio host
David Duke
David Wilcock
Gerald Celente
Business consultant
Henry Makow
Hillary Clinton
Former United States Secretary of State
Jimmy Savile
Milton William Cooper
Steven M. Greer
Medical doctor