#People Quotes #Needs Quotes #Serving God Quotes
“In all religions, the quickening spirit has been symbolically represented as a bird. At the baptism, when Jesus body was in the water, the Spirit of Christ descended into it as a dove.”
Source : Max Heindel (1921). “Mysteries of the Great Operas”
“We have at least 125 communities in Arizona at risk from wildfire, not because of review processes or litigation delays but because of a lack of federal funding on the ground to actually begin the projects.”
“Nothing is less important than which fork you use. Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor.”
“As water shapes its flow in accordance with the ground, so an army manages its victory in accordance with the situation of the enemy.”
“The gay will laugh When thou art gone, the solemn brood of care Plod on, and each one as before will chase His favourite phantom; yet all these shall leave Their mirth and their employments, and shall come, And make their bed with thee.”
“When you're experiencing peace, it's coming from within you; you're 'doing' peace and this is true of anything else you might be looking for. Love, happiness, contentment, well-being come from within. Nothing external needs to change for you to have what you want.....If you want to be happier - be happier. If you want to be more relaxed - relax. If you want more friends - be friendly. Sounds simple. It is.”
“(What are your ghosts like?) (They are on the insides of the lids of my eyes.) (This is also where my ghosts reside.) (You have ghosts?) (Of course I have ghosts.) (But you are a child.) (I am not a child.) (But you have not known love.) (These are my ghosts, the spaces amid love.)”
“I particularly don't want to play unmotivated behavior.”
Billy Sunday Evangelist
Bob Jones, Sr. Evangelist
Curtis Hutson
Dwight L. Moody Evangelist
J. Frank Norris
John R. Rice
Lee Roberson
Lester Roloff
Shelton Smith