“When disease took my legs, I eventually realized I didn't need them to lead a full, empowering life; Only True Disability Is in Our Mind.”
Source : "'Dancing With the Stars' Amy Purdy Says 'Only True Disability Is in Our Minds'" by Michael Rothman, abcnews.go.com. March 17, 2014.
“I wanted so badly to tell him, but something about that entire night seemed so beautiful, so bizarre, that I didn't trust it with my secrets.”
“When you do comedy, the audience is not your boss. They are your collaborators and when you collaborate with someone you don't have to listen to everything they think or say. Sometimes you're not getting the laughs you want or at the place you want but that doesn't mean it's not funny. It means you haven't explored it enough. I'll get laughs in the places I don't want them and that makes me realize the direction I want to go in.”
Source : Source: brightestyoungthings.com
“I think what I am always trying to do is make clothes for every girl to wear, to make things that you are going to accessorize from day to night. I am really trying to focus on casualwear - making your basic sweatpants cool, trendy, and funky.”
“It's your way of fighting. You refuse to engage and then you can't lose.”
“F-E-A-R has two meanings: 'Forget Everything And Run' or 'Face Everything And Rise.' The choice is yours.”
“...the power-loving temperament is more dangerous when it either prefers or is forced to operate in what is materially a void. Wehave everything to dread from the dispossessed.”
“God knows the truth in all of this, and at the end of the day, that is the only thing that matters. Jesus was persecuted, and I'm going to get persecuted, ya know?”
Source : "Heidi Montag Is Over 'The Hills' and the Drama" by William Keckusa, abcnews.go.com. June 30, 2008.