#Mean Quotes #Men Quotes #Joy Quotes
“I've got life, I've got love, I've got faith & that's enough. We feel sorrow we feel pain, but there's sunshine after rain.”
“I debated free trade in college. I came out as a free trader. I'm a free markets guy. I'm an Adam Smith guy.”
“The practice of leadership is not the same as the exercise of power.”
“It's no good telling somebody they're trying too hard. It's very much like ordering a child to go stand in a corner for a half hour and never once think about elephants.”
“Where lambs have nibbled, silent moves the feet of angels bright; unseen they pour blessing, and joy without ceasing, on each bud and blossom, and each sleeping bosom.”
“When I edit, I'm not from the school of Hello, I'm a genius, so everybody shut up. I'm from the school of Let's play it once in front of an audience, and then I'll tell you where it is going”
“Before a leader can be accepted, let alone succeed, autonomous professionals must agree to be influenced by that person.”
“The problem is, and I'm just as guilty of this, a lot of people see their follower count increase and mistake that for friendships. It's great to have followers, especially if you want to sell albums, promote shows, or promote your friends, but you still need to get outside and talk to other human beings.”
Dean L. Larsen
Derek A. Cuthbert
H. Burke Peterson
Jacob de Jager
James M. Paramore
Rex D. Pinegar Navy man
Robert E. Wells
Victor L. Brown
William George Jordan Essayist