Source : "An Interview With Valerie Jarrett: Senior Advisor to President Obama Talks Gender Parity". Interview with Rahim Kanani, January 3, 2011.
#Girl Quotes #Mom Quotes #Daughter Quotes
“A broken heart is never a tragedy. Only untimely death is a tragedy.”
Source : Source:
“I like people that are not frightened to say what they think.”
“It's hard to be always the same person,”
Source : Dorothea Tanning (2004). “A Table of Content: Poems”, Graywolf Press
Barack Obama
44th U.S. President
David Axelrod
Former Senior Advisor to the President of the United States
Desiree Rogers
Former White House Social Secretary
Edward Klein
Susan Rice
United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Daniel Pfeiffer
Spokesman to Vice President Al Gore
Huma Abedin
Political figure