Source : "The Morning After: Randy Hultgren Discusses His ‘No’ Vote on Debt Ceiling". Interview with Carol Felsenthal, August 2, 2011.
“If there is no enemy within the enemy outside can do us no harm.”
“There is only one way to be happy by means of the heart: not to have one.”
“In addition to showing gratitude to others, place emphasis on showing gratitude to yourself”
“Like Jonah, you may lose your gourd, but you cannot lose your God.”
Adam Kinzinger
U.S. Representative
Bill Foster
U.S. Representative
Bill Huizenga
U.S. Representative
Dan Lipinski
U.S. Representative
Joe Walsh
Former United States Representative
John Shimkus
U.S. Representative
Mark Kirk
United States Senator
Peter Roskam
U.S. Representative
Robert Dold
Former U.S. Representative