#Infinite Quotes #Chosen Quotes
“I recorded the song live in front of an orchestra, and yes, I was very moved, I was in tears.”
“[T]hou canst not think worse of me than I do of myself.”
Source : Robert Burton (1800). “The Anatomy of Melancholy; what it Is, with All the Kinds, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostics, and Several Cures of it: In Three Partitions with Their Several Sections, Members, and Sub-sections, Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically Opened and Cut Up”, p.12
“I use game theory to help myself understand conflict situations and opportunities.”
Source : "American, Israeli Share Nobel Prize in Economics". www.foxnews.com. October 10, 2005.
“Win or lose today I am proud of the way my boys have played in the tournament.”
Source : "The Silver Treasury, Prose and Verse for Every Mood" by Jane Manner, (p. 323-24), 1934.
“Adding sound to movies would be like putting lipstick on the Venus de Milo.”
Adi Shankara
Mahatma Gandhi
Mirra Alfassa
Rabindranath Tagore
Sarojini Naidu
Swami Vivekananda