#Effort Quotes #Java Quotes #May Quotes
“I don't regard Jews as a class. I regard them as a privileged misfortune.”
Source : William Joyce's speech at Chiswick (1934) as quoted in Francis Selwyn "Hitler's Englishman: Crime of Lord Haw-Haw" (p. 43), 1987.
“I don't e-mail. I've never felt the particular need to e-mail.”
“I like their darkness but I also like the pop-side of the Velvet Underground.”
Brian Kernighan
Computer Scientist
Dennis Ritchie
Computer Scientist
Donald Knuth
Computer Scientist
Guido van Rossum
Computer programmer
James Gosling
Computer Scientist
Ken Thompson
Computer Designer
Larry Wall
Linus Torvalds
Software Engineer
Scott Meyers