#Night Quotes #Giving Quotes #Enemy Quotes
“How do I soothe his ache when mine was a big gaping hole large enough for both of us to fit in?”
Source : Vilfredo Pareto (1971). “Manual of political economy”, Augustus m Kelley Pubs
“I’m a quiet person. I spend time observing, not speaking.”
“I believe that people start to get into trouble when they start to believe their own hype.”
“A manuscript not submitted is a book not published.”
Source : Dan Poynter (2003). “The self-publishing manual: how to write, print, and sell your own book”, Para Publishing
Source : "The Shah and I: The Confidential Diary of Iran's Royal Court, 1968-77". Book by Asadollah Alam, p. 262, 1991.
Alexander Alekhine
Chess Player
Bent Larsen
Emanuel Lasker
Chess Player
Jose Raul Capablanca
Chess Player
Max Euwe
Mikhail Botvinnik
Chess Player
Savielly Tartakower
Siegbert Tarrasch
Chess Player
Wilhelm Steinitz
Chess Player