#Long Quotes #Doe Quotes #Way Quotes
“In the scale of the destinies, brawn will never weigh so mach as brain.”
“It's so rare that you meet your idols and they outdo your expectations.”
Source : Source: www.indielondon.co.uk
“Your face looked like something Death brought with him in his suitcase.”
“The key to life is to be happy with or without money. Money only magnifies who you really are.”
“The key to learning is feedback. It is nearly impossible to learn anything without it.”
Source : Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner (2014). “Think Like a Freak: Secrets of the Rogue Economist”, p.28, Penguin UK
Bill Gross
Financial manager
George Soros
Business magnate
Gerald Celente
Business consultant
James Rickards
Marc Faber
Mimi Rogers
Film actress
Nouriel Roubini
Peter Schiff
Warren Buffett