Source : "Q&A: Lincoln Chafee". Mother Jones Interview, September, 2008.
Lincoln Chafee“I would like one day to play an FBI cop, just so I can hold the gun and shoot.”
“I'd rather have a search engine or a compiler on a deserted island than a game.”
“Who would want to buy a good car when you can buy an American car?”
“Anything can be said and, in consequence, written about anything.”
Source : Rod Parsley (2009). “Culturally Incorrect: How Clashing Worldviews Affect Your Future”, p.29, Thomas Nelson Inc
“Football players are misunderstood. They arent the dumb jocks people think they are.”
Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana
Donald L. Carcieri
Former Governor of Rhode Island
George Pataki
Former Governor of New York
Jim Webb
Former United States Senator
John Chafee
Former Governor of Rhode Island
Lawrence Lessig
Political activist
Lindsey Graham
United States Senator
Sheldon Whitehouse
United States Senator
Martin O'Malley
Governor of Maryland