#Journey Quotes #Done Quotes #Miles Quotes
“Work hard! Just keep working hard until you can do something you want to do! We all progress at different speeds and in different ways, so be patient and keep working hard!”
“Even though I had a lucrative contract with MGM, I had a husband who was drinking and gambling our money away faster than I could make it.”
“I designed furniture that pulled apart, folded, and broke down into neat stacks. Since arriving in California, I had moved four times and it looked as if I would move again. Was it the land running under my feet or my feet running over the land?”
“I will never get married to the head of General Motors. I will never be the wife of a superstar. For those women, their lives are somebody else's. I will never be a Mrs. Blabidyblah!”
“What keeps faith cheerful is the extreme persistence of gentleness and humor. Gentleness is everywhere in daily life, a sign that faith rules through ordinary things: through cooking and small talk, through storytelling, making love, fishing, tending animals and sweet corn and flowers, through sports, music, and books, raising kids-all the places where the gravy soaks in and grace shines through. Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people. Lacking any other purpose in life, it would be good enough to live for their sake.”
“Through this world I've stumbled, so many times betrayed, trying to find an honest word, to find the truth enslaved.”
“At our college we were taught a universal approach to find out about a person: what problems the person has, what difficulties, what personal tendencies and likings.”
“When you are around people who have money, you realise money isn't that impressive, it's about your class, morals and how you conduct yourself.”
Source : Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
Gordon Getty Musical composer
Lenny Bruce Comedian
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Poet
William Wordsworth Poet