#Suffering Quotes
“Sloths have low metabolisms, so they have to move slowly in order to conserve energy. However, they aren't aimless or "lazy" and they actually move around quite a lot - just very, very slowly.”
Source : Source: www.buzzfeed.com
“The truth is, anyone who puts so much of herself and her life into art as you do must naturally fear any failure in that art as a potential threat to your life. And so you protect your art more than you protect your health or the common forms of happiness the rest of us have. And you probably have this in common with every artist you admire.”
“True leadership means to receive power from God and use it under God's rule to serve people in God's way.”
“There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.”
“Money follows mission, not the reverse. This is a shorthand way of saying that the stronger the congregation's relational characteristics, the easier it is to raise money. The stronger the congregation's mission, visitation, groupings, leadership, and decision making, the stronger the giving.”
“In your company or industry, work every job in that industry. It's the only way of having a complete understanding of your people and your company.”
“Go your way, seducers, flatterers, idlers, those glib of tongue and charlatans; I am not a seed that you can force to grow; my goal differs so from yours that I would be wasting my time in trying to explain where my inclination drives me.”
Source : Dominique Fernandez (1976). “Porporino: Or, The Secrets of Naples”
“Who gets to decide who's an enemy combatant and who's an American citizen? Are we really so frightened and so easily frightened that we would give up a thousand-year history?”
James Sharp Bishop