“The heart hid still in the dark, hard as the Philosophers Stone.”
Source : Paul Celan, Rosemarie Waldrop (2003). “Collected Prose”, p.11, Psychology Press
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
“The heart that feels music will feel people”
“Animals give us their constant, unjaded faces, and we burden them with our bodies and civilized ordeals.”
Source : Gretel Ehrlich (1986). “The Solace of Open Spaces”, Penguin Group USA
“The photographer projects himself into everything he sees, identifying himself with everything in order to know it and to feel it better.”
“Could we forbear dispute, and practise love, We should agree as angels do above.”
Source : Edmund Waller, Sir John Denham (1857). “The poetical works of Edmund Waller and Sir John Denham”, p.184
“My body was braille for the creeping influences.”
“To live passionately, we ought to be able to look once again at the people we once cared for deeply and painfully.”