“The only true test of friendship is the time your friend spends on you.”
Source : John Marsden (2010). “Circle of Flight: The Ellie Chronicles 3: The Ellie Chronicles”, p.182, Pan Australia
“The Korean economic miracle was the result of a clever and pragmatic mixture of market incentives and state direction.”
Source : Ha-Joon Chang (2007). “Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism”, Bloomsbury Press
“A thoughtful investment process contemplates both probability and payoffs and carefully considers where the consensus - as revealed by a price - may be wrong. Even though there are also some important features that make investing different than, say, a casino or the track, the basic idea is the same: you want the positive expected value on your side”
“For the most part, when you're on set, you know everything's fake. You're very aware of the fact that you're shooting a television show.”
Source : Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
“If I put things between me and Christ, it is idolatry. If I put Christ between me and things, it is victory!”
“No matter how it looks to us, love never loses control; the laws of our relations are as honest and as exact as the laws of physics.”
Source : Thaddeus Golas (2002). “The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment”, p.60, Gibbs Smith
“I'm more financially successful, but it just means the shopping blunders I make are bigger now.”
“It can have an enormous effect because big budget movies can have big budget perks, and small budget movies have no perks, but what is the driving force, of course, is the script, and your part in it.”