Source : "Paul Broun and What the Democrats Cannot Do" by Charles P. Pierce, October 10, 2012.
#Running Quotes #Believe Quotes #Years Quotes
“Self-sabotage is the smartest thing you can do if you're sabotaging a self that is not really you.”
“For the most part people are not curious except about themselves.”
“If you can't do something willingly and joyfully, then don't do it.”
Source : "Egyptian Jon Stewart' Bassem Youssef Will Now Satirize U.S. Democracy". "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross, February 3, 2016.
Jack Kingston
U.S. Representative
Jim DeMint
Former United States Senator
Johnny Isakson
United States Senator
Karen Handel
Former Secretary of State of Georgia
Lynn Westmoreland
U.S. Representative
Nathan Deal
Governor of Georgia
Phil Gingrey
Former U.S. Representative
Saxby Chambliss
United States Senator
Sonny Perdue
Former Governor of Georgia