Source : Mary Elizabeth Clark, Margery Closey Quigley (1939). “Etiquette Every Child Should Know”
#Sports Quotes #Selfish Quotes #People Quotes
“One irreducible residual of 38 years in the business is the number of lasting, loving friendships I have made.”
“My passion for fashion borders on insanity.”
“Even if you win in ego it is a loss. Even if you lose in love it is a victory.”
“I admit I'm being paid well, but it's no more than I deserve. After all, I've been screwed more times than a hooker.”
“It's uncomfortable for me, but at least they're bouquets. They're not bricks or tomatoes yet, although it's gonna feel nice to get that big, rotten tomato right in the face, just get it out of the way.”
Source : Source:
“Memphis was almost like going to California. Beale Street was the black man's street.”
“Like skateboarders, writers live by rejection; like writers, any skater worth his salt must have the single-minded tenacity of a wiener dog.”
“The longest way must have its close - the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning.”
Jan Morris Historian