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#Growing Up Quotes #Father Quotes #Wife Quotes
“Art as a fantasy has been one of my earliest experiences. I suppose a lot of my childhood was a fantasy that involved getting away from things I didn't like. Fortunately it had some relationship to reality so that later I was able to, to some extent, act as I imagined I might.”
“Had I become a priest, the sermons would've been electric!”
“He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.”
“In general, therefore, color is a means of exerting a direct influence upon the soul. Color is the keyboard. The eye is the hammer. The soul is the piano with its many strings. The artist is the hand that purposefully sets the soul vibrating by means of this or that key.”
“I received a wonderful email after I spoke at a school from a girl who'd lived in a war zone and endured horrors no human being should suffer, let alone a child. This young lady was fortunate to be bought to Britain and seemed to adjust well, but suddenly found herself falling off the rails and sliding into hell when I chatted to her. In her letter, she told me the difference that I'd made. She's now 20 years old and a fashion designer employing staff and she puts her work ethic down purely to talking to me. It's my most treasured letter.”
“We had a relationship that lasted 44 years. Herbert and I lived together 10 years before we were married. He always gave me a little heart for whatever anniversary.”
“He it was that first gave to the law the air of a science. He found it a skeleton, and clothed it with life, color, and complexion: he embraced the old statue, and by his touch it grew into youth, health, and beauty.”
“After the film it was raining, a light steady rain. Ruthless neon on the wet streets like busted candy.”
Source : Denis Johnson (2010). “Nobody Move: A Novel”, p.25, Macmillan
Marcello Mastroianni Film actor
Tony Gilroy Screenwriter