“The biggest mistake in student films is that they are usually cast so badly, with friends and people the directors know. Actually you can cover a lot of bad direction with good acting”
Source : Brian De Palma, Laurence F. Knapp (2003). “Interviews”, p.60, Univ. Press of Mississippi
“I think that any time you are making a film you have to realize that the people you are talking with might be giving you misinformation. Sometimes it is factually incorrect and for that, it's important to me to check it out and not let things find their way into the film without being challenged, either by me, or by another character, or by evidence that you might see on screen.”
“Pawns are really queens in disguise.”
“I spent a year and a half working for an art fair. I worked as a post-production assistant for a documentary film company for a while. Then I worked at the Apple store because I wanted a discount to be able to buy new gear to edit things while I was figuring out whether or not I wanted to go to film school. Those were the main things.”
“A man who can't uphold his beliefs is pathetic dead or alive - Hajime Saito”
“Doubt was much more energy efficient than conviction.”
“Christ's voice sounds now for each of us in loving invitation; and dead in sin and hardness of heart though we be, we can listen and live. Christ Himself, my brother, sows the seed now. Do you take care that it falls not on, but in, your souls.”
“To have Zen is to be in a state of pure sensation. It is to be freed from the grip of concepts, to see through them. This is not the same as rejecting conceptual thinking. Thoughts and words are in the world and are as natural as flowers. It is a mistake therefore to think that Zen is anti-intellectual.”
Source : Alan Keightley (1986). “Into Every Life a Little Zen Must Fall: A Christian Philosopher Looks to Alan Watts and the East”, Wisdom Publications