“...They cannot escape their history any more than you yourself can lose your shadow.”
“Here is the solution to the American drug problem suggested a couple years back by the wife of our President: "Just say no.”
“The American Medical Association says the humane way is to let people starve and thirst to death. If you did that to an animal, youd be put in jail immediately ... In the face of such insanity masquerading as authority, who wouldnt be strident?”
“Almost all systems of economic thought are premised on the idea of continued economic growth, which would be fine and dandy if we lived on an infinite planet, but there's this small, niggling, inconvenient fact that the planet is, in fact, finite, and that, unlike economic theory, it is governed by physical and biological reality”
“I'm going to go out on tour when I feel like going on tour.”
Source : "On 3rd album, Chrisette Michele finds a new voice". Interview with Mesfin Fekadu, www.sandiegouniontribune.com. December 1, 2010.
“The country was in peril; he was jeopardizing his traditional rights of freedom and independence by daring to exercise them.”
Source : Joseph Heller (1999). “Catch-22: A Novel”, p.373, Simon and Schuster
“I grew up in a craftsman's home, where things were done with our own hands. I did cabinetmaking for four years and I hated it.”
“Give it your best shot. Go for it. If it's what you really want to do, go for it. Even if you don't make it, you will never look back and have regrets. You can always say, "Hey, I went for it. I tried my hardest. It was an awesome experience."”
Source : Source: www.beliefnet.com