Source : "Face The Nation" with Bob Schieffer, January 21, 2001.
#Teaching Quotes #School Quotes #America Quotes
“None of the arts are any good unless you really are great at them.”
Source : "America's New War: Responding to Terrorism". "Larry King Live", October 1, 2001.
Source : Source:
“What resonates with me now is the acoustic guitar and piano.”
Alberto Gonzales
United States Attorney General
Ari Fleischer
Former White House Press Secretary
Dick Cheney
Former Vice President of the United States
George H. W. Bush
41st U.S. President
George W. Bush
43rd U.S. President
John Ashcroft
Former Governor of Missouri
Karl Rove
Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff
Marlin Fitzwater
Former White House Press Secretary