Source : Interview with Tim Russert, September 11, 2005.
Source : "The Decline of the West (Volume II)". Book by Oswald Spengler, 1928.
“If I knew I was going to win, I probably wouldn't even fight.”
Source : Neil Simon (1986). “The Collected Plays of Neil Simon: Come blow your horn. Barefoot in the park. The odd couple. The star-spangled girl. Promises, promises. Plaza suite. Last of the red hot lovers”
Bobby Jindal
Governor of Louisiana
Edwin Edwards
Former Governor of Louisiana
George W. Bush
43rd U.S. President
Kathleen Blanco
Former Governor of Louisiana
Kwame Kilpatrick
Former Mayor of Detroit
Marc Morial
American Political leader
Mitch Landrieu
Mayor of New Orleans
Thomas Jefferson
3rd U.S. President