#Sacrifice Quotes #People Quotes #Ego Quotes
Source : "UNA Greater Philadelphia: U.S. Should Fund the U.N. in Full and On Time!" by Louis Bolling, www.huffingtonpost.com. March 6, 2017.
“I think a man becomes less than a man when he begins to compromise on what he believes is right.”
“Goal we've always had for design at Apple is to create solutions that are inevitable.”
“Humanity is a parade of fools, and I am at the front of it, twirling a baton.”
“Wine has made me bold, but not foolish; has induced me to say silly things, but not do them.”
Source : Duff Cooper (2011). “Old Men Forget”, p.57, Faber & Faber
Source : Richard North Patterson (2012). “The Devil's Light: A Novel”, p.27, Simon and Schuster
Barry Commoner
Claude Levi-Strauss
Mary Augusta Ward
Peter Thomas Bauer
Rene Dubos
Robert Strausz-Hupe
Political Scientist
Vincent Massey
Former Governor General of Canada
Willy Brandt
Former Chancellor of Germany