Source : "The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic". Book by Richard Arnold Epstein, 1977.
Richard Arnold Epstein#Winning Quotes #Years Quotes #Mercury Quotes
“I think there's a big misconception out there about actors and the choices they have.”
Source : "Famke Janssen Talks TAKEN 2, HANSEL AND GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS, HEMLOCK GROVE, Her Directorial Debut BRINGING UP BOBBY and Follow-Up RIO ROJO". Interview with Christina Radish, October 3, 2012.
Source : Source:
“When the Berlin Wall came down the Americans cried, Victory, and walked off the field.”
“I'm not a dictator who writes things to tell people what to do.”
Source : Source:
“Fare thee well, and if for ever Still for ever fare thee well.”