“I want to be a free agent. I think everybody in the NBA dreams to be a free agent at least one time in their career. It's like you have an evaluation period. It's like if I'm in the gym and I have all the coaches, all the owners, all the GMs come into the gym and just evaluate everything I do. So yes, I want that experience.”
Source : "Knicks remain faves with Melo set to dive in to free-agency". Interview with Marc Berman, nypost.com. June 28, 2014.
“I have absolutely no dance background at all. Nor a singing background. People, for some reason, think I can. And I don't know why that is. I sort intoned in Moulin Rouge, through facial hair and buck-teeth, but I don't really call it singing.”
Source : "The Van Helsing Interviews: Richard Roxburgh". Horror.com Interview, www.horror.com. April 8, 2004.
“Sometimes I think God wants there to be a circus so we can show there's another way to respond.”
“When you are doing a piece you are with it. You don't want to wait until next week, when experience will have given you something else.”
“The idea of suggesting that Hannibal Lecter - in the book, he has a sixth finger and red eyes, and so there is a devilry in Thomas Harris' presentation - so it felt like it was completely honest and appropriate for the character. And we often talk in the writers' room, "Okay, there is the Hannibal as the devil explanation of that plot point, but we also need to ground that in a reality that is answerable to the physics of the storytelling."”
“My parents lived in a poor rural community on the Eastern Shore, and schools were still segregated. And I remember when lawyers came into our community to open up the public schools to black kids.”
“In preparation for it, we need to have folks who are trained, we need facilities, equipment and supplies, that are going to be built into our society, and we are going to spend a lot of money on it.”
“You cannot contribute anything to the ideal condition of mind and heart known as Brotherhood, however much you preach, posture, or agree, unless you live it.”