#Country Quotes #Soldier Quotes #Historical Quotes
Source : William Bridges (2004). “Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes”, p.164, Da Capo Press
Source : "Sojourner Truth: A Self-made Woman". Book by Victoria Ortiz, 1974.
“History never exactly repeats itself, but it does some rather good impressions.”
Source : Comparing the presidential styles of Richard Nixon and George W Bush. Quoted in Worse than Watergate (2004).
Source : Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
Adolf Hitler
Former Chancellor of Germany
Erich von Manstein
Military Commander
Georgy Zhukov
Officer commanding
Gerd von Rundstedt
Military Officer
Heinz Guderian
Jonathan Clements
Joseph Stalin
Former Premier of the Soviet Union
Kliment Voroshilov
Military Officer
Martti Ahtisaari
President of Finland